GEISAI 寺子屋 Vol.2 パフォーマンス編終了!

GEISAI NEWS 2013/4/3発行

GEISAI 寺子屋 Vol.2 パフォーマンス編終了!

GEISAI Terakoya Vol. 2 - Performance Art Edition was held!

3月30日(土)、GEISAI Galleryでは、GEISAI受賞者である、
川上秀行さん(GEISAI#12 会田誠賞受賞)
佐野友紀さん(GEISAI TAIWAN#2 佐藤可士和賞受賞)
のプロデュース、【GEISAI寺子屋 VOL.2 パフォーマンス編】を行いました。

On March 30 Saturday, GEISAI Gallery hosted GEISAI Terakoya Vol. 2 - Performance Art Edition presented by Shugyo Kawakami (recipient of the Makoto Aida prize at GEISAI#12) and Yuki Sano (recipient of the Kashiwa Sato prize at GEISAI Taiwan#2).

パフォーマンス アートの実践と解説、

GEISAI Terakoya Vol. 2 focused on the presentation of works, as well as explanations of the thought process behind each work and discussion of performance pieces.

出演:M3(Macro Mantra Matirx)
Performance 1
Performer:M3(Macro Mantra Matirx)

まずは最初のパフォーマンス M3。
川上さんのお経と、Tomari YoshitakaさんのDJでのパフォーマンスの融合。

Performance 1 by M3 was a fusion of Kawakami's sutra chanting and DJ performance by Yoshitaka Tomari. Sutra chant responding to DJ music felt like some kind of ambient music. The Khoomei-ish sound where Kawakami used delay e ffects so that his chant goes in line with Tomari's contemporary beat caught the attention of passers-by in the corridor and there formed an excited crowd by the gallery window. They WERE good - like they had already played in serious music events!


After the performance, the former classmates at Tama Art University explained what brought them together as M3, and the thoughts behind the work where Kawakami reinterprets the traditional sutra chant instructions in response to contemporary music.


In the corridor, we had a crowd of non art fanatics who heard the strange rendering of familiar sutra chant and stopped to check what was going on - by curiously looking through the gallery window or taking pictures. Turned out among them was a product designer from abroad who happened to be there, and the fact made us realize how easily performance arts go beyond borders.



Yuki Saito
Shared his thoughts behind the work, difficulties he faced during the process particularly when he decided to deal with the extremely serious theme of the Tohoku earthquake, as well as the limitations and regulations he had to overcome through negotiations.

…佐藤紀行さ $s!J実際の作品をスライドで上映しながらのプレゼンをして頂きました。[ブレ]た写真を意図的に撮影し、[ゆらぎ]の様な物から、対象の人物のオーラ、空気感、存在を感じさせる作品を制作されています。

Noriyuki Sato (photo artist)
Sato’s talk evolved around the projected images of his work.
His photos are deliberately blurred so that they convey the figures’ aura and ambience, or presence.
He also explained specific steps needed when you bring your ideas into reality - such as actual negotiations with the models or practical preparations before shooting.

GEISAI TAIWAN#2での[村上隆賞]受賞者の関さんのプレゼン。

Aki Seki
Recipient of the Takashi Murak ami prize at GEISAI TAIWAN#2.
His work draws upon his experience of traveling around South America. In this talk, Seki shared his pursuit of expressing "Japaneseness" discovered when we get rid of the unconscious biases we carry in our daily lives, in addition to the specific details of his presentation at GEISAI TAIWAN#2.

実際に魔術を行っている方と綿密に意図を練り上げて作った構図で描かれている巨大なタロットカードとしての[愚者]の前で、作 2H

Matsuoka shared her attachment for those pre-art themes that are inherent in human nature like shamanism or animism as seen in primitive rituals, and discussed their relationship to fine arts.


ここで唐突に、シークレットゲスト、ユニットメーカーさん(GEI SAI#11銀賞受賞)が会場に乱入。

The secret guest was unit. maker, the recipient of silver prize at GEISAI#11 who hijacked the event with his signature style of fluent-and-candid talk. The heated argument participated by all artists/audience centering around the question "What is art? What should art be about?" continued long after the event's closure.


次回の寺子屋 vol.3は、来週の13日を予定しております。