[GEISAI 寺子屋 Vol,1]終了!


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GEISAI 寺子屋 Vol,1]終了!
GEISAI Terakoya#1 event report

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3月24日(日)、GEISAI Galleryでは、GEISAI受賞者である、
川上秀行さん(GEISAI#12 会田誠賞受賞)
佐野友紀さん(GEISAI TAIWAN#2 佐藤可士和賞受賞)
のプロデュース、[GEISAI寺子屋 vol,1]を行いました。
On March 24 (Sun.,) GEISAI Gallery had GEISAI Terakoya#1 presented by Shugyo Kawakami (recipient of the Makoto Aida prize at GEISAI#12) and Yuki Sano (recipient of the Kashiwa Sato prize at GEISAI Taiwan#2).


Since we had a number of powerful pieces shown at once,
people came in even before the event starts.
The artists were there to explain their works to the visitors.

The event kicked off with the opening words by Kawakami and Sano.Kawakami, who is a Buddhist monk himself performed the Prayer for Success.

自身のポートフォリオを参考例に、海外でも通用するポートフォリオ フォーマットを解説して行くと言う内容。



Building your own artist portfolio
In this lecture, Sano took his own portfolio as an example and showed – drawing on what he had learnt from a lecture by curator Yuko Hasegawa - how to build an artist portfolio that has an international appeal.

It was a very specific and practical lecture consisting of two sections:

  • Presenting your artwork
  • Building a portfolio

He made his points very clearly with in-depth advises like "I advise you to memorize a 400-word comment for the work so that you can fit within 2 minute presentation time. The comment sh
ould consist of four parts – theme, concept, research and medium."
"Specific components for your portfolio are advised to be the cover, statement, image of your work, comments and a brief bio."

So his was quite a practical and helpful one for artists who are striving to survive as a professional.
Everyone listened and took notes very seriously as if they were attending real Terakoya, but frequent questioning by the listeners and joking by the lecturer made the event at the same time, look like a relaxed presentation at TED.

GEISAI受賞秘話 / 攻略法

Secrets of GEISAI Award Winners
In this lecture, Sano and Kawakami shared their secrets to winning awards in GEISAI – their strategies, successes and failures made for very practical tips for everyone who attended the event. The lecture proceeded along with the projected images of past GEISAIs.

Kawakami's strategy was to research on the jury and select the pieces that he believed were most likely to appeal to them. The desperate strategy worked out – Kawakami won the Makoto Aida prize.
On the left is his latest work on display at the event, inspired by Japanese manga and religion.

Sano on the other hand, focused on catching the attention of the jurors who would just pass by otherwise so that he can secure the chance to start up a conversation (or presentation) with them. He succeeded in grabbing Kashiwa Sato's attention well enough to be eventually awarded the prize by him.On the left is the large scale paint-on-photo depicting the rubbles from the Tohoku earthquake. The piece was also selected to be exhibited at the recent holding of Japan Media Arts Festival.

Talk with the guest artists
A free talk session on various topics with the guest artists participated also by the audience.

Hitomi Tada
Hitomi Tada works in various media including video, sound and internet. For Terakoya #1, she exhibits a video work that has an aggressive concept where lines from Japan's Road Traffic Law scanned by a miniature car is read aloud by text reader software – but the content is totally mistranslated and destructed.Tada, who unlike many other GEISAI artists works mainly in video/sound media, attracted particular interest from the audience. Her artistic fields include a wide range of activities such as live performance or event organization, thus providing her with a multitude of channels of expression.

Hajime Yamada
Yamada produces abstractly rendered paintings that have extremely real textures of the objects like iron or roadways.He is a self-taught artist with no experience of formal art education, and has a stoic attitude towards creation. This personal background interested the audience and led them engage in
several heated-up conversations with him. https://twitter.com/1yamada

Tomo Matsuoka
Matsuoka works on occult themes such as Oinari-sama and magic. Her installation is a "door to another world" carrying motifs like TV color bars and Oinari-sam
a heads, an implication of her world of the occult. http://www.tomomatsuoka.com/

And we had a surprise stage talk by Ryodan's Keiryu Asakura who was there as a visitor. He was responding to Yamada's personal background; an artist who has no formal education. The happening excited t
he audience and the session went on just like that - in a heated manner.

GEISAI 寺子屋は3月30日(土)にもvol,2が開催されます。

作品も引続きGEISAI Galleryにて展示しておりますので、皆さん、是非、ご覧になりに来て下さい。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
GEISAI Terakoya#2 will be held on March 30 (Sat.)http://geisai-gallery.jp/The artworks for #1 are on display at GEISAI Gallery. Please come check them out!